Foto (de izq. a dcha.): Bill Hoffman, Alicia Hardacre, Jo Bowers, Brian Cline and Randy Witherspoon
Foto (de izq. a dcha.): Bill Hoffman, Alicia Hardacre, Jo Bowers, Brian Cline and Randy Witherspoon

We are excited to report that Tyler Coupling was just awarded the 2013 Safety Excellence Award by MAM (Missouri Association of Manufacturers).   Tyler Coupling’s division includes companies that work 100,000-199,000 man-hours.

Needless to say, they are walking around on cloud nine!  “It is great to be recognized for excellence just for doing what you do every day because it is the right thing to do,” said Tyler Coupling Safety Manager Alicia Hardacre.

Congratulations to the entire Tyler Coupling team!  Great job!